About John Micheals

John is a retired New York City art teacher. He received his BA in Art in 1968, and his MS in Elementary Education in 1971, both from the City College of New York. In May of 1998, he earned a Certificate in Photography from Nassau Community College.
For more than 25 years, his work has been in dozens of juried exhibits. In addition to several solo shows he has been invited to exhibit at Lord & Taylor, Molloy College, Long Island Museum, The Heckscher Museum, and The African American Museum. His work has been cited in The NY Times and he has had his work published in Paumanok II and III, anthologies of poetry and photography about Long Island. He is former President of the Long Island Center of Photography and continues to be an active member. He has donated work to the Connected Warriors’ Fund and The Retreat. In summer of 2023, his work is on display in a solo exhibition at the Fenimore Museum in Cooperstown, NY.
Currently, he is exploring, experimenting, and executing work in various media, returning to his creative roots. He continues to use photography as a basis for much of his work and is currently focused on a collection of eclectic art using numerous diverse media.